Yarra Park

Emergency evacuation procedures

The MCG's emergency management plan takes into account all aspects of the MCG and its users, and is regularly reviewed.

The emergency plan is designed to take into account many scenarios or perceived emergency situations. The plan has come about after extensive consultation with stakeholders from both the government and private sector, including agencies, and is constantly being updated.

In the simplest terms, the plan reinforces the club's policy of providing the most comfortable, spacious viewing facilities in a safe and secure environment. This is achieved by introducing a set of procedures to be followed implicitly by the entire MCC safety team.

During an event these procedures are outlined via specific instructions to MCC staff. The instructions are simple and specific and collectively they represent a mobilisation of personnel around the stadium. All of our events staff are wardens in the event of emergency.

On match days, responsibility rests with MCC management, who will decide on the best possible response required. 

The MCC has plans to deal with emergencies and evacuate the MCG during an event, standard business hours, or after hours.  

You may be notified of an evacuation by:

  • A message on the scoreboard or televisions, or over the public address system.
  • Instructions from MCC staff acting as wardens.
  • The Emergency Warning System, or EWS.

If you are notified of an evacuation, please leave the stadium quietly and calmly via the nearest stairway or ramp. DO NOT USE THE LIFTS. The MCC also requests that you do not use mobile telephones, as the lines are required for emergency use.

Move to the outside of the stadium where police or MCC staff will direct you to the safest assembly point.

Emergency Warning System (EWS): Alert

  • Sound: 'Beep.... beep.... beep'.
  • Cease all activity
  • Secure all confidential and valuable items, if it is safe to do so
  • Follow warden’s instructions


  • Sound 'Whoop... whoop... whoop'.
  • Leave MCG via safest exit
  • Proceed to assembly area as advised by police.

All Clear

  • Sound: 'Beep' (continuous)
  • You may return as directed by MCC staff.